Microsoft Office Automation


The power of the Microsoft Office suite can be realised when Excel, Access, Word and Outlook are combined. They can form a single tool to provide a solution to any problem, and in turn the combined parts can also be automated. There are endless possibilities of how Microsoft automation can work for your business. Below are some solutions which have been developed so multiple applications can interact with each other using seamless, automatic methods:

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SEO & Social Media Reporting

In the fast paced world of SEO, Social Media is increasingly more important, and more and more firms are utilising the expertise of the SEO Digital Media agencies/consultants.

Though with this comes a challenge for when it comes to pulling together the numbers to pass on to the client.

Be it collating the Facebook insights for 20 businesses Social Media, or producing a traffic light report to show page ranking improvement from the implementation of keywords on a website and then through inbound marketing. Reporting will be a time consuming affair, to which then the power of Excel can be used to automatically connect to the Social Media insight pages and compile the data in seconds rather than individually manual intervention which could amount to hours!


When running an e-marketing campaign there is always a high proportion where an out-of-office reply is sent back as the recipient is away on leave, off sick etc. The forwarding email-address is contained within the body of the returned email. Extracting this manually can be a lengthy, time consuming process. We can however, develop an Excel application that will extract the forwarding email addresses to re-send the e-marketing campaign in seconds.

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Word can also be automated of its own accord. A solution was needed where a company used 23 different Word templates for letters to send to their clients from different parts of the organisation. There were 91 different office addresses that the letters could be sent from. The problem was, what if one of the office addresses or telephone numbers changed? This would mean that 23 different templates in 91 different offices would need updating. The solution came from automating Word to interact with a central XML database, so each time a letter template was opened the template was refreshed. When the contact details were changed this would automatically update all the Word templates.

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